(Apologies for the lateness of this post. This was a difficult one to write.)
Greetings once again, citizens! Though much of my focus has
been on comics and superhero related media, I do have many other interests,
like a normal person. Not that I claim to be normal, mind you, but I do have
some of those traits. I like other aspects of popular culture, especially
movies and TV, and it’s because of my other interests that I picked up today’s
About a year ago, I moved in with a close friend after some
rather difficult personal trials. As part of her effort to keep my spirits up,
we began watching a TV series, Supernatural. I had seen a few episodes of the
series before, but I never really got into it. However, my friend and I began
watching it and riffing on it, and the experience was a lot of fun.
For those unfamiliar with the series, I’ll give a brief
primer. The show centers on the adventures of two brothers, Sam and Dean
Winchester, who go around the country killing monsters. Pretty simple premise,
but they keep it entertaining by varying the plotlines, introducing new characters,
and having a lot of different monsters. Vampires, werewolves, djinn, wendigos,
demons, even gods, the show features a wide variety of foes for the
Winchesters. There are also a lot of plot elements that I’m leaving out,
because I don’t feel like putting up spoiler warnings.
The series became popular pretty quickly, so of course a
comic adaptation was planned. Supernatural: Origins was a limited series published
by Wildstorm, a now-defunct imprint of DC, released in 2007. Instead of being
an adaptation of some episodes of the show, it instead provides some background
on John Winchester, Sam and Dean’s father, and how he became a hunter. I was
pretty interested in reading it, since we see a lot of Sam and Dean’s backstory
in flashbacks, but John is rarely ever seen. So, let’s get started with issue
Let’s get my thoughts on the art out of the way up front here.
I am not a fan of this artwork at all. Everything is really blocky and
minimalistic, which are not traits I especially like in my artwork. I love
details, and have a great admiration for any artist who’s able to add in all
the little details that really sell a scene. I also don’t really feel that this
style works with the source material. There’s always little references to the
greater world of Supernatural in little details in the background (or
foreground) and in the dialogue. The lack of detail makes everything seem more
flat and disconnected from the mythos behind the show. The blockiness I can
ignore, because that’s just a personal preference. There’s also a heavy use of
shadows in the artwork, which I approve of because it’s something that matches
the aesthetic of the source. However, there is one problem with it; all the
characters are suffering from Youngblood’s disease.
Youngblood’s disease, for those unfamiliar, is a trope in
comics where characters are depicted without eyes for some reason. Whether
they’re squinted to the point of non-existence, soulless white orbs, or hidden
in shadows even in bright light, the disease detracts from the artwork of a
Anyway, let’s talk about that plot. We start off with John
staring out over a lake at sunset, narrating about how he couldn’t bring
himself to have a funeral for Mary. This is immediately followed by a two-page
spread of Mary burning on the ceiling of the nursery at their home. Well, the
comic is certainly sticking close to the show in terms of overusing the same
imagery. John says goodbye to Mary, while narrating about how he’s feeling
John talks to various people over the next few days, trying
to find out more about what it was that happened to Mary. He doesn’t have much
luck, but we see people are starting to worry about him. He alleviates their
worries by going to a bar and hustling some pool. Yep, that’s the way to earn
money to take care of your family. Screw your job, just scam possibly drunk
guys out of money, how could that go wrong?
Oh… right.
So even though John’s an ex-Marine, he doesn’t make that guy
eat his own boots. Instead, the situation is defused by Missouri Moseley who
then begins telling John she was drawn there tonight by him and other clichéd
psychic mumbo-jumbo. John dismisses her as nothing but a con artist, until she
tells him to say hello to Sam and Dean.
Two weeks later, we see John at Missouri’s place of business.
She gives him a spiel about how the world isn’t all sunshine and unicorn farts,
and then performs a séance. They receive a vision of a house (along with
several helpful clues for finding the place) and a message painted onto the
Well that’s not threatening at all! John freaks out though
and rushes there with Missouri, who gives him a warning about how he won’t be
able to back out if he goes through with this, but he goes ahead and does it
anyway. They reach the house and find the message scrawled on the walls of the
basement. However, it seems they only got part of the message.
They rush out of there and head to the place where John left
Sam and Dean. They find the woman watching the boys dead, but the boys
themselves are fine. Wow, that was an anti-climactic warning. Why not just skip
going to the other house, and just have the vision send you here to begin with?
If the thing had been intent on the boys and wanted John out of the way, that’d
make sense. But the boys are fine, the only purpose this served was to get John
on the trail of this thing. How does he follow the trail? Well, Missouri finds
a tooth with some stuff etched into it, and that’s where this issue ends.
There’s also a backup story, but I’ve got five more comics to get through, so
I’m skipping it.
Issue 2 starts off with the Winchesters on the road out of Kansas. Narration
boxes give us some dialogue between Missouri and John, telling him to go see a
man named Fletcher Gable in Arizona. Fletcher’s a guy who knows more than
Missouri, supposedly, so John’s going to see what the tooth belongs to.
Fletcher tells him that it’s the tooth of a black shuck, a kind of supped up
hellhound. He also gives John a journal, which serves as an important item in
the show. Though, I guess the artist didn’t know how it was actually supposed
to look…

So John leaves, heading to California now on the trail of
the last place Fletcher heard of a black shuck being. After John leaves, a
mysterious man drops by Fletcher’s and asks what he told John. From there, we
see John buy a shotgun and get himself a motel room for him and the boys. Not
long after, a man named Jacob shows up, demanding to know what in the hell John
is doing. This is something that’s kind of an odd point in relation to the
established canon of the show. Jacob is referred to as “uncle Jacob” by Dean,
and John says that Jacob was “like a father to Mary after her parents died.”
However, we never get any kind of reference to him anywhere else. We see Mary
with her parents in an episode of the show, and a brother is never mentioned.
Hell, given what Mary’s family is like, it’s unlikely he’d be acting how he
does. I guess he could be just like a family friend, but it still feels really
weird that someone so close to Mary never even gets a token mention anywhere
else. Well, anyway, he insists on accompanying John on whatever foolish thing
he’s planning on doing, leaving Sam and Dean in the care of the motel manager.
Jacob insists on taking his car, a 1967 Chevy Impala. The Impala becomes an
important part of the show, one of the characters in my mind. Though this isn’t
how John acquired it in the show. However, there is a reasoning behind John
getting the Impala this way. Peter Johnson, the writer, wanted him to get the
Impala while he’s becoming a hunter, as part of the whole transformation thing.
Why does he get the Impala? Well…
They go to the graveyard that Fletch said the black shuck
was last seen at and find a mausoleum with engravings similar to the ones on
the tooth. Jacob opens is, and promptly gets a chunk bitten out by the shuck
John is gripped with fear and unable to handle the shotgun, but before the
shuck can get to John, a man dressed up like Harry Dresden saves him.
(He never gets a real name, so I’m just gonna call him
Issue 3 begins with a scene a few years in the future from
when the issue takes place, but it’s irrelevant to the plot. To really begin,
we have John explaining to Sam and Dean that they’re going on a roadtrip with
Dresden. John is surprisingly trusting of a guy who showed up out of nowhere
and convinced him to send a family friend to a watery grave. Maybe he never
really liked Jacob. Anyway, they go off in search of a lead and end up at Harvelle’s
Road House, a recurring location in the series. We get introduced to Ellen, who
runs the place and offers to look after Sam and Dean for a bit. Dresden
convinces John to go on a hunt with a guy named Ichi, to get some experience.
It really doesn’t serve much point, except to show that John can’t kill a
monster until Dresden tells him to turn his fear into anger. Oh, and Dean sees
him kill something that looks like a man. This makes John realize that, gee,
maybe bringing your children along on a quest for vengeance fraught with
monsters is not a good idea. They leave the kids with some
friends/family in Illinois, and the issue ends with John questioning whether he
or not he can do this, and Dresden telling him he needs to see his wife again.
Issue 4 opens on a flashback of John and Mary’s honeymoon,
followed by another hunt. This is just more filler. Screw giving us some
moments where John questions his sanity or how his life came to be like this,
just show us more irrelevant stuff. More than half the issue is devoted to
filler. What in the hell? This could have good solid stuff about how John
became a hunter and gained the reputation that he had, so why does is instead
focus on just meandering about?
Oy vey. So, the plot resumes 12 pages in, where we find out
what Dresden meant at the end of the last issue. They go to a priest in
Minnesota, someone who can contact the spirits of the dead. He’s also someone
who makes a brief appearance in the series, so of course we need ¾ of a page
devoted to his backstory, even though he’s incredibly minor and gets killed off
in his only appearance. Anyway, he calls Mary’s spirit back, and she gets to
say goodbye to John. However, the shuck hijacks the summoning, and things get
much less tender. John did get a clue from what was said however, and gives the
tooth that he has another look over. He finds a sequence of numbers, which he
guesses are coordinates. Follow it up with two more pages of filler and this
issue is done.
For a nice change of pace, issue 5 does not start
with filler. Hooray! Dresden and John are back in Arizona, paying Fletcher
another visit. He shows them a map which he believes the coordinates will
correspond to, showing the locations of Devil’s Gates all across the country.
The coordinates point them towards a graveyard at Four Corners, an American
landmark where 4 different states borders all meet. The rest of the issue is
kinda trippy, with the terrain, weather and just about everything else changing
every few pages, in spite of the fact that they’re in the same location.
Honestly, nothing really that interesting happens, so I’m just gonna skip to
the end. They reach their destination and they find the shuck. Wait… why are
they still looking for the shuck anyway? Dresden already told John that it didn’t
kill Mary, so what’s the point in looking for it? I guess if he thought that
the thing was working for who/whatever did kill her, that’d make sense, but
there hasn’t really been a strong connection between the shuck and Mary’s
murder. Maybe the shuck just feels like fucking with John, it makes as much
sense as it purposefully leading him back to its master. Which it does, and
guess who its master is?
Issue 6 begins with Dresden do a whole “gotcha!” speech.
Turns out he didn’t kill Mary either, but he did want John to become a hunter.
He goes into his lair, with John following. Unfortunately, John is instead
inside of his own mind head, facing down everything he’s been dwelling on the
past… however long it’s been since Mary’s death. A couple months, by my guess.
He sees Jacob again, fails to save Mary, suffers her fate, and ends up in a
cemetery, looking over Sam and Dean’s graves. He gets conked on the head by
Dresden, who ties him up and takes him to the roof of the lair… for dramatic
purposes I guess. He gives John the whole “things aren’t as they seem” speech,
kinda like Missouri did in issue 1. But apparently John doesn’t want to hear it
again either, because he gets loose, kills the shuck, and then punches Dresden
off the roof. John leaves, musing about how he can’t go back to a normal life
because he’s seen too much. He also decides he needs his family, so he goes and
gets Sam and Dean. Hooray for child endangerment! Thus ends our mini-series.
If it seems like I rushed through these, well… I did. But
honestly, they weren’t all that interesting, and there wasn’t a whole lot to
comment on during each one. There are a lot of moments that serve only to take
up space, not to advance the plot. John’s actions feel kinda off, like the only
reason that he’s doing this stuff is because the plot demands it. The plot also
really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Who the hell was the Dresden guy? Why
was he so invested in getting John involved? It doesn’t really line up well
with the source material. This would be an okay start to its own series, but as
a tie in with an already existing story, it feels off. I really feel like they
could’ve done a lot more with this, showing how John became a hunter, and given
a better reason for dragging his kids down this dark path.
There are a couple of other comics that tie in to
Supernatural, but I’m not sure if I’ll get around to reading them. If you
haven’t checked it out yet, I recommend Supernatural. It’s kinda cheesy and
dumb at times, but it’s a fun show with some good characters. It’s a shame none
of them were in this.
Until next time, farewell!
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